Web I/O
IoT supervision software in SaaS mode

OPERATE : Web I/O is a software solution designed to display data collected by connected objects (the IoT market) in easy-to-read presentations. Simplified graphs, metrics and diagrams can be accessed by users on the move. Depending on the operator’s user rights, instructions can be sent to devices to adjust operating methods.
COLLECT : Values such as temperature, level, pressure, speed or metering data are archived and available for comparison, consumption measurement and preventive operations.
AUTHENTICATE : The user profile management capability integrated into Web I/O enables user rights to be issued to the Web I/O solution depending on the personnel assigned to the project and the connected objects under their responsibility.
Connect all your equipment for 1€*/year per measurement point.

For operators
Web I/O easily collects data of heterogeneous equipment from manufacturers. The supervision software integrates a message collection service for a multitude of protocols such as for LoRa, Sigfox, BACnet, Modbus, OPC, etc. An user friendly and intuitive interface displays data and federates de measurement points generated by IoTs with those of the BMS and automatons systems.
For lessors

For software editors
Web I/O has an API Web (Web services, MQTT…) thus allowing a dialog from “platform to platform”with partner softwares. Data collected by each connected LoRa or Sigfox sensors will be immediately manageable without any additional development.
For manufacturers
A customized IoT supervision platform that include the needs of both manufacturers and their clients. Web I/O collects data according to each equipment protocols. The SaaS SCADA offers multiples interfaces presenting values and reporting alarms for industrial clients. Web I/O simplifies preventive maintenance actions.

Our strengths
No need to acquire licences: to gain access to all the functionalities and services offered by Web I/O, customers simply pay a fee to TECHNILOG.
The platform can be accessed by users on the move, for example via Smartphone, tablet or Web browser.
One year of on-line data storage: metering, samples, logs and alarms.
Web I/O generates alarms from supervised equipment in real time.
Product documentation is one thing. Contact with our pre-sales team to witness a demonstration of our industrial solutions is another. Contact our services and we will show you how we communicate with devices from a range of PLC, probe and IoT solutions vendors.