Technilog and the Iot
Communicating objects are available in numerous sectors of activity: Smart city, Smart Building, Factory 4.0, Transportation, Health etc. They facilitate every day work and are a good solution to both old and new case studies.
The ease of deployment and the low cost of networks (LoRa, LoRaWan, Sigfox, 5G, LTE M, etc) allow for a greater number of measurement points.
The ease of deployment and the low cost of networks (LoRa, LoRaWan, Sigfox, 5G, LTE M, etc) allow for a greater number of measurement points.
The many operators and sensors managed by the Web I/O platform have safely lead to the rapid industrialization of new case studies. Technilog offers its 30 years of experience to lead IoT projects with a focus on data collection, translation, analysis, visualization and device management.
For whom?

Reduce your daily workload by supervising a large variety of heterogeneous devices: IoT, RTU, GTB…
Evolve your business software independent of the evolution of your hardware fleet.

Provide value to applications by consuming IoT data without worrying about the inner-workings of the objects and networks implemented.
Accelerate sales and focus on your core business.

Propose new services to your new customers.
Add supervision capabilities to make the operating status of your devices remotely accessible.

Expand your service catalogue with an IoT platform and industrial communication protocols.
Build a tailor-made offer using the technical and human resources of an experienced editor.

To innovate and to save money are the challenges of local authorities: greater comfort, economy and new services to offer to its citizens. The reactivity of the Cloud is suitable to the many uses of administrations and energy producers.

Connect the plant as close as possible to machines and tools, analyse behaviour, collect data, anticipate and feed business referentials. Produce KPIs.

Supervise the movement of goods and people. Ensure the security and traceability of movements, provide visibility on the company’s assets.

Improve the patient’s journey, ensure home care, monitor the evolution of chronic diseases in the best safety conditions. Have specific tools to meet legal obligations of the health sector.
For which use?

Building Management
The Smart Building promotes comfort and economy for the user, the optimization of surfaces and services for the landlord. The management of meeting rooms; the state of boiler rooms and air conditioners, energy efficiency, and the detection of VOC and legionella are at the core of Technilog’s offer.
The Smart Building promotes comfort and economy for the user, the optimization of surfaces and services for the landlord. The management of meeting rooms; the state of boiler rooms and air conditioners, energy efficiency, and the detection of VOC and legionella are at the core of Technilog’s offer.

Road Operations
Ensuring the fluidity of road transport implies a knowledge of the status of the state of the road, the weather and the availability of charging stations. Technilog contributes to the safety of mountain roads by connecting the state of traffic signs to determine traffic scenarios via Web I/O.
Ensuring the fluidity of road transport implies a knowledge of the status of the state of the road, the weather and the availability of charging stations. Technilog contributes to the safety of mountain roads by connecting the state of traffic signs to determine traffic scenarios via Web I/O.

The use of connected objects combines the collection of strong and weak signals to optimize patient follow-up by caregivers. Technilog collects data to send them to authorized health platforms and provides its partners with specific tools to build a portal dedicated to health.
The use of connected objects combines the collection of strong and weak signals to optimize patient follow-up by caregivers. Technilog collects data to send them to authorized health platforms and provides its partners with specific tools to build a portal dedicated to health.

Connected plants
IoT within a production workshop ensures the connection to equipments that were previously autonomous. Dev I/O allows the use of internet-enabled drills, torques, connected cylinders to be integrated into a quality process while adapting to regulatory and contractual constraints.
IoT within a production workshop ensures the connection to equipments that were previously autonomous. Dev I/O allows the use of internet-enabled drills, torques, connected cylinders to be integrated into a quality process while adapting to regulatory and contractual constraints.

Data Valuation
Not all data is sensitive and some have market value or provide services to citizens. Air quality, wind speed, river levels are information that feed via Web I/O the Block Chain and Open Data.
Not all data is sensitive and some have market value or provide services to citizens. Air quality, wind speed, river levels are information that feed via Web I/O the Block Chain and Open Data.

Control and piloting
To collect data is a good thing… To control devices is even better… The use of Web I/O and low speed networks provide a way to monitor installations but also to change instructions and updates the Firmwares of connected objects.
To collect data is a good thing… To control devices is even better… The use of Web I/O and low speed networks provide a way to monitor installations but also to change instructions and updates the Firmwares of connected objects.

Technilog’s offer contributes to the Safety of goods and people. By connecting intrusion detectors to its Web I/O platform, this set-up generates alerts and acts as a trusted third party to date and track events.
Technilog’s offer contributes to the Safety of goods and people. By connecting intrusion detectors to its Web I/O platform, this set-up generates alerts and acts as a trusted third party to date and track events.

Predictive Maintenance
Remote monitoring of installations, anticipating failures, panticipating interventions, the IoT makes it possible to meet these needs by collecting machine states, excessive current consumptions, a warning sign of a fault on a technical component, without wiring.
Remote monitoring of installations, anticipating failures, panticipating interventions, the IoT makes it possible to meet these needs by collecting machine states, excessive current consumptions, a warning sign of a fault on a technical component, without wiring.

Asset Management
Geolocate a fleet of vehicles, roll and pallets, track rental equipment. Web I/O tracks a delivery, confirms that it was delivered on time, without any shock or thermal shock.
Geolocate a fleet of vehicles, roll and pallets, track rental equipment. Web I/O tracks a delivery, confirms that it was delivered on time, without any shock or thermal shock.
To supervise the data produced by connected objects regardless of the manufacturer, networks (LoRa, LoRaWan, Sigfox, Lte M…) and usage is Technilog’s promise.
Analyzing reports, presenting data according to business lines, generating alerts, redistributing raw or consolidated data to other applications is the role of Web I/O.
The IoT Web I/O platform simplifies object enrolment and provides a centralized view of the status of a sensor fleet and associated networks. -
Industrial uses are larger than the perimeter covered by low speed networks. Whether in its Edge, On Premise or Cloud version, Dev I/O allows the IoT measurement field to be completed with real time and/or historical data. Dev I/O decodes IoT data as well as PLC and digital control data.
The IoT Dev I/O acquisition allows the connection to any communicating object, quickly and simply via the many available protocols.